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Document Types Options

Ignore Comments Options dialog

An Overview of Document Types

This page allows you to define document types and specify special options for document types. There are three types of document types in ExamDiff Pro:

  • System type icon Default/Plain Text is the default document type that is assigned to all files that do not match any other document types. This document type cannot be deleted or renamed, and cannot participate in syntax highlighting and comment ignoring.

  • System type icon System types are those types that come preinstalled with ExamDiff Pro. They cannot be deleted or renamed, but can be assigned to different file extensions. These document types can participate in syntax highlighting and comment ignoring.

  • Custom type icon Custom types are those types that are user-created. They are the only types that can be deleted and renamed. These document types can participate in comment ignoring, but cannot participate in syntax highlighting.

Dialog Box Options

List of document types
Contains a list of all document types, and corresponding file extensions.

Creates a new blank document type.

Deletes the selected document type. Only user-created types can be deleted.

Document type details
Contains options specific to each document type:
  • Type name
    The name of the document type. Only user-created types can be renamed.

  • Extensions
    File extensions that the document type applies to.

  • Regular expression for comments
    The regular expression (if any) that defines comments for the document type. This option can only be set for custom types; system types use the same parsing algorithms that are utilized by syntax highlighting. Note that we use the term "comments" in a very broad sense; any single- or multi-line part of a text file can be considered a "comment" as long as it is defined by a regular expression.

    • Single line comments
      Single line comments (such as // in C++), use the following regular expression: [comment symbol].*?\n . For example, the regular expression for C++ style comments is //.*?\n . Note the non-greedy ? operator.

    • Multi-line comments
      Multi-line comments (such as /* */ in C), use the following regular expression: [start comment symbol].*?[end comment symbol] . For example, the regular expression for C-style comments is /\*.*?\*/ . Again, note the non-greedy ? operator.

    • Combining comments
      Different kinds of comments can be combined ("OR-ed") using the | character. For example, the regular expression /\*.*?\*/|//.*?\n ignores both C and C++ style comments.

  • Tab size
    Sets the tab size (that is, the number of spaces in a tab) for the document type. This option only takes effect if Use document type settings is enabled.

  • Participate in ignoring comments
    Ignore the specified comment during comparison. This option only takes effect if Ignore Comments is enabled.

  • Participate in syntax highlighting
    Highlights certain syntax elements during comparison. Diff highlighting takes precedence over syntax highlighting, so syntax highlighting only takes effect on identical blocks. This option can only be enabled for system types, and only takes effect if Use document type settings is enabled.

    After syntax highlighting is applied, note that it can always be changed for each file individually, using the Set Document Type option in the context menu.

  • Participate in scope bar
    This read-only option indicates whether a document type is supported by the scope parser, and hence whether scope bars could be shown for this type.

  • Syntax colors
    This option is only visible if Participate in syntax highlighting is enabled, and enables you to choose colors for each of the five syntax elements that ExamDiff Pro highlights: keywords, preprocessor commands, comments, operators, and numbers. Note that not all of these elements apply to all document types.

Use the other file's type if a file only matches the Default type
If this option is selected and two files are compared, one of which matches a document type and the other only matches the Default type, then both files will be treated as though they match the document type. This is useful for source control, because source control file versions often have extensions different from the actual source files.

Automatically detect document type for unknown extensions
If this option is selected, ExamDiff Pro will automatically detect document types (using the Guesslang open-source machine learning library) in situations where the document type of a file being compared is not otherwise known. If the type of a file still can't be detected, or the detected file type doesn't match any document type that ExamDiff Pro supports, the file will be treated as having the Default/Plain Text type. For auto-detected files, matching plug-ins will be executed.

Document type auto-detection will happen in any of the following situations:
  • a file is compared either without a extension or with an extension that doesn't correspond to any known ExamDiff Pro document type
  • a comparison is initiated from clipboard contents
  • text is pasted into a comparison window from the clipboard
