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File Editing

ExamDiff Pro allows built-in file editing and synchronization for text files.

File editing can be enabled or disabled from the File Editing Options panel, which also includes other options related to file editing and saving.

There are two types of file editing operations: simple file editing and block operations.

  • Simple operations are those performed by adding, removing, or modifying text in either file.

  • Block operations are operations performed on blocks: Replace Block, Add Block, and Delete Block.

    If a block operation resolves the difference (e.g. you replace one block with the other, or you delete an added block), the difference is marked as "RESOLVED" in the diff combobox under the toolbar.

    Block operations can also change the type of difference (e.g. deleting a changed block in the first file will result in an added block in the second file).

Whenever you add, modify, or delete a line, a yellow line modification mark is placed next the line number. Block operations add line modification marks as well.When a file is saved, all of its line modification marks become green.

The Undo and Redo commands are global (they affect both files), and can undo/redo recomparison operations (as long as no options were changed) in addition to file editing operations, enabling you to undo/redo past recomparison points.

Editing may be disabled for any of the following reasons:

  • Your evaluation license has expired.
  • A View filter is used
  • Word Wrap mode is on
  • In File Editing Options, the "Enable editing within ExamDiff Pro" option is disabled.
  • The files are out-of-sync due to manual addition or deletion of lines in either file (this only disables block operations; re-compare and try again).
  • Binary files are not editable.

Editing is also enabled for the output (bottom) pane during text file merging. The output file can be changed by simple file editing or by using block operations: Use Left (Theirs), Use Center (Base), Use Right (Yours), Use Left, Then Right, or Use Right, Then Left commands. All of these editing actions are fully supported by Undo and Redo.
